Had you been there tonight you might know how it feels
to be struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight.

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Ayer estuve viendo los primeros episodios de Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Increíble que ya hayan pasado 10 años.

En el episodio "Bobcat", después de la entrevista con Bobcat Goldthwait (donde éste le sigue la corriente a Space Ghost, con resultados hilarantes), le toca el turno a The Ramones:

Space Ghost: Okay then. Identify yourselves, Ramones.
Johnny Ramone: Hi, I'm Johnny Ramone.
Marky Ramone: And I'm Marky Ramone.
Joey Ramone: And I'm Joey.
C. J. Ramone: And I'm C.J.
Zorak: And I'm Zorak Ramone.
Moltar: And I'm Moltar Ramone.
Space Ghost: (to camera) They're not really Ramones. (to Ramones) Say, fellas, tell us about your new record.
Johnny Ramone: "Acid Eaters", that's our latest album, it's a cover album of, uh, songs that were recorded in, um, generally around the 1967-68 period of time.
Space Ghost: And it's just now coming out?


Classic. ¿Sabían que Joel Hodgson llegó a escribir para el show? True story.


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